
Restaurant Expressions

To top off a delicious meal out, look for our expressions on your drinks menu! Further detail about where our mead can be found is listed on our On Tap page.


Queen’s Nectar

7.5% ABV

Honey and apple… where it all begins.


7% ABV

Maple delight… direct from the sugarbush to your glass.


5% ABV

Cranberry splash… tart it up a touch.


5% ABV

Blueberry… Forever in Blue Jeans, babe!


5% ABV

Orange juice and sparkling mead… our Angel of the Morning, heavenly at any time!


5% ABV

Green iced tea… our very own recipe with a kiss of vanilla.


5% ABV

India Pale Mead… if mead had traveled around the Cape, it might have tasted like this!

Our current India Pale Mead

Available in Stores

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Queen’s Nectar

7.5 ABV
Crisp Apples and honey… where it all begins.

Bee Mine

5% ABV
A romantic blend of chocolate and cherries.


5% ABV
A sparkling twist on Chaga tea.

Cinfully Yours

5% ABV
An enticing wave of chocolate and cinnamon.


10.5% ABV
Our Sparkling Queen of Hops.


5% ABV
Green Iced Tea… our very own recipe with a kiss of vanilla.



10.5% ABV
Our Sparkling Queen of the Desert. Crisp and dry, but rich with blueberries.

Punky Pie

5% ABV
The best that pumpkin pie has to offer, with a sweet marshmallow finish.


5% ABV
A cheeky blend of hops and honey.